Monday, October 14, 2013

Life & León

I'm sorry, but I love titles with alliterations. They're cheap and cheesy, so hate me if you want. (No, love me!)

Things are going well here in Oviedo! I've been in classes for about two weeks and I'm really happy with my school. We have a bilingual program, which provides an interesting opportunity for me to work in English-language content classes (biology & music, for example.) So the job is going well, as is life outside of the classroom.

I've gone out a couple times with the other auxiliars here (or "white gurlz", as I refer to everyone who isn't Spanish) and there's always something to do in Asturias. They had a wildly successful culture night last weekend, a local fashion week, and there will be a film festival next month in Gijón.

My most exciting adventure lately was to León. It's a city located just south of Asturias (in train, it's about 2 hours of breathtaking scenery away from Oviedo) and that's where my now ex-roommate San is from. She moved out after a week, but we're still friends, so she invited me to spend the weekend with her family. We visited León, and other places, like Astorgas, and the village where her grandpa lives where we had a delicious barbecue. Seriously, like 6 kinds of meat, and I had to try them all...:0

We spent the rest of the weekend eating tapas and seeing the sights- cathedral, gypsy market, parks- in the capital. Like in Granada, the tapas are free with the purchase of a beverage, so you can get your drink on and eat dinner for like 5-10 euros. It's the best.

Tapas: creamy mushroom tostada, goat cheese & bacon sandwich, and potato lasagna :)

Palacio Episcopal by Gaudí

We went to this great "palace", which has a restaurant, bodega, and small hotel. It has views of the mountains and beautiful agricultural valley.

Blurred Lines: the wine room

Where they roast red peppers to sell.

Picking figs at San's grandpa's house.

The facade of this building is covered in scallop shells, a symbol of the Camino de Santiago.


Anonymous said...

So glad you love it! It looks beautiful and the food posts are making me hungry! That is cool you got to spend time with your friend's family and pick figs. You already have a new posse, Mr. social! Love you! Jaimito

Anonymous said...

!Ay Miguel!

!Que fantasticas me parecen tus aventuras! Me alegra que tu estes tan contento con tu trabajo y habitaciones. Lo siento para mi escritura, yo se que me falta accentos, jaja. Me encantan tus fotos. !Que bonito es Asturias! Me gusta que tu lugar tiene tanta agricultura, y por lo tanto me encantaria comer todos las comidas sabrosas! ?Has probado ya el cider? Yo he cojido machas manzanas (hay tantas en Bozeman), y me gustaria hacer algun cider. Pero siempre me falta tiempo. !Te extrano a ti! Ojala que todo siga bien para ti. Yo te hablare pronto.

Con amor, tu hermanito.

Mikey Larky said...

Awww, thanks for reading, you two! Yes, I've been pretty lucky with my choice of Asturias.

Y claro que he probado la sidra! Es muy buena, pero muy distinta de la sidra que bebemos en los USA. Aquí es menos dulce y mas fuerte :p

Love you both!